RED PILL UNIVERSITY - The Great wakening

Published: Sun, 06/18/23

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin  
The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic film series produced by Mikki Willis. It delivers an incredibly insigtful message about about the pending collapse of civilization as we know it in the wake of a pretended pandemic called COVID-19. It not only informs but also shows the way back to sanity and liberty. The consequences of continuing passive compliance with this insanity are unthinkable. Fortunately, as this film shows, the great awakening of humanity is now underway. If you have time to watch only one documentary this year on COVID and mass inoculations, this is it. 

Segments from several of the 16-millimeter films made by me in 1969 are used as the backbone of the storyline, showing that everything foreseen then has come to pass.
        G. Edward Griffin   


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