RED PILL UNIVERSITY - Truth about Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory

Published: Tue, 06/20/23

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin  
The Truth about Microbes –
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory

This is a short and easy-to-understand explanation of the differences between the Germ Theory of disease advanced by Louis Pasteur and the Terrain Theory advanced by Antoine Beauchamp.

The Germ Theory became widely accepted primarily due to the profitability that flows from the sale of drugs that are said to kill germs. If it were understood that what are called germs are really part of the body’s normal process of removing toxins rather than bringing them in, the largest industry on Earth (The pharmaceutical industry) would go out of business. Could this be why modern health care is insanely expensive and why diseases are on the rise in spite of (or should we say because of) so many drug therapies? 
        G. Edward Griffin              


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