REALITY ZONE - Free webinar tonight! - Convert your stress into SUCCESSS

Published: Tue, 04/04/23

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin  
Free webinar tonight!
Convert your stress into SUCCESS!
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They say, if you want something done, give the task to someone who is very busy. That’s because those who are always loaded with work, usually are highly organized and self-disciplined. They also are usually the folks who enjoy comfortable incomes and high social esteem. In other words, it pays to have a good work ethic.

That was the thought that came to mind when I pondered the primary topic of this message, which is stress. No one enjoys stress, right? Well, not necessarily so. If we understand that stress is merely the natural biological response to dealing with the uncertainty-of-outcome of pending tasks or decisions, then we also understand that it is nature’s way of giving us the extra energy and clarity of thought we need to perform at our best.

Of course, there is another side to this. It’s the discomfort and, sometimes, even the pain that comes with the process, and that makes us think we would gladly settle for a bit less energy and clarity – thank you very much!

The point of all this introspection is that Mother Nature does have the answer to stress and really can allow us to respond to challenges in a positive way without overload and pain, but only if she has the necessary raw materials to work with – such as found in healthy food. Good nutrition means good stress management. Inadequate nutrition means panic and pain.

My message, therefore, is simple. If you are like most of us who are not able to eat home-grown foods in soil that is not poisoned by commercial fertilizers or depleted by overuse, you likely are in need of a boost in those natural food components that Ma Nature is waiting for to create internal calm and peace in our lives.  

Here’s an example: When our immune system is in constant overdrive, it creates certain molecules to help us heal any damage being caused. Those are inflammatory molecules, however, and they hinder the body’s ability to produce a powerful anti-inflammatory gas called nitric oxide. So, that can be a problem leading to symptoms of extreme stress.  

In the upcoming webinar, we will examine a biomarker, called the global arginine bioavailability ratio (GABR). GABR is a measure of how much arginine is available within the body to actually produce the nitric oxide we need for stress management. 

But this is not the place to get into the scientific details. That’s what the webinar is for. There will be plenty of information for those who like to get into the nitty-gritties – like I do.
Dig deeper with me at the webinar with John Hewlett and Stanford Graham on April 4th. Register HERE to save your seat - also for the replay. The webinar is TONIGHT.

The bottom line is that stress is our friend, not our enemy. If we allow it to work as Nature intended, it can be the doorway to making better decisions and achieving higher goals. 

Reminder: The webinar is April 4th at 4PM PST, 5PM MT, 6PM CST, 7PM EST. Please share this with everyone you know.

Register now and save your seat. 
I’ll see you there tonight.
G. Edward Griffin                        



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