REALITY ZONE - How to make stress your friend

Published: Sat, 04/01/23

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin  
Did you know that
stress can be your friend?

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In 1861, Louis Pasteur advanced the germ theory of disease (the theory that germs are the problem and, therefore, the solution is to destroy them – which is the basis of most medicines today, including vaccines). 

Ever since, however, there has been a counter argument called the terrain theory. It is based on the idea that, when nature is in balance and health is not destroyed by toxic food, polluted water and air, chemicals, radiation, intoxicants, tobacco smoke, and drugs of all kinds, then the germs are easily held in check by the normal immune system (the terrain). Therefore, the reason germs cause disease is not that they are so dangerous but because our natural defenses against them have been weakened. 

I have strongly favored the terrain theory ever since I learned in the 1970s how critically important good nutrition and lifestyle was for avoiding chronic diseases, but this is not the place to get into that debate. I mention it because I want to encourage you to attend our upcoming free webinar on how to reduce stress in a stressful world and – lo and behold – exactly the same debate exists in that issue as well.

There is no doubt that we are living in what appears to be an ever-increasing stressful world. But humans are designed to cope with stress. Our mental capacity to think about the future and to analyze risk is accompanied by biological mechanisms that, not only alert us to the possibility of dangerous outcomes, but also produce adrenaline, sharpen our minds and reflexes, increases blood flow – even increases muscle strength. We are built for stress. We could not survive without it. 

The question is: Are we in stress overload because the world is more stressful than before – or is it because our natural tolerance for stress is lower than it should be?

You can see where I am going with this. On our webinar APRIL 4th at 7pm Eastern, we'll discuss a reliable and totally natural way to create internal calm and peace in your life. Scientists recently discovered the biological engines that create what we experience as PTSD. They discovered a biomarker called The Global Arginine Bioavailability Ratio (“GABR”). 

PTSD is a label for symptoms we experience that often are called a mental health condition.  However, please understand that your brain’s functionality (or lack of it) is a direct result of your body’s biological systems malfunctioning.  

GABR measures the amount of three related amino acids in your body which, when functioning normally, reduce the most inflammatory molecules. Find out about this on the upcoming webinar with John Hewlett and Stanford Graham on April 4th. 

In this webinar, we will look at these biological systems and how they create anxiety, depression, weight gain and more.

We also will look at L-arginine, an amino acid that helps to regulate the production of nitric oxide. Studies show that people with PTSD have systemic low levels of L-arginine in their blood. It is now clear that low levels of L-arginine contribute to PTSD symptoms.

We will discuss all this and much more on our webinar, April 4th at 4pm PST, 5pm MT, 6pm CST, 7pm EST. Share this invitation with everyone you know.

I’ll see you there.
G. Edward Griffin                        



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