Published: Mon, 04/25/22

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin    2022 April 244 
Sick of being Sick? Then Read this.
A WEBINAR WITH G. EDWARD GRIFFIN                          
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Being sick is NO FUN!  Fortunately, I have been in great health for most of my life, but I was taken down hard a few days after my 90th birthday this year by pneumonia, scarring of the lungs, heart failure (atrial fibrillation), and bleeding ulcer – all at the same time!

Frankly, it looked like the end of the line for me but, thanks to my wife’s care, help from friends who introduced me to effective non-toxic therapies, and my aversion to pharmaceutical drugs, I am still here six months later and getting better and stronger by the day. In fact, I estimate that I am about 80% back to my normal workload, which is nothing short of a miracle.

I am told by the doctors that, at my age, the only reason I am back in the saddle is that I was not overburdened with waste products from a toxic lifestyle and must have had a strong immune system.

Actually, those two things go together. Although I do not smoke, try to eat healthy, exercise regularly at a modest level, and backed away from alcohol a long time ago, I certainly would not describe myself as a health purist – so I am convinced that my immune system deserves most of the credit.

A key to a strong immune system is healthy levels of white blood cells called lymphocytes … which are produced by the lymph system. The job of the lymph system is to get the toxic waste out of our bodies.  Without enough lymphocytes, the body isn’t going to be able to “take out the trash”!  Low lymphocyte levels:

•    Constrict blood vessels and airways 
•    Put blood vessels at higher risk of clotting 
•    Decrease blood oxygen levels 
•    Increase risk of death

My guests will include elite athlete and wellness advocate, Stanford Graham. John Hewlett, Founder and Formulator of Cardio Miracle also will join in the conversation. 
If you cannot attend the live webinar, don’t fret. A replay will be broadcast a few days later, so be sure to Register here and look for an email announcement of the date.
G. Edward Griffin