Published: Fri, 04/22/22

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin    2022 April 22 
A WEBINAR WITH G. EDWARD GRIFFIN                          
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Even though I have reached the age of 90, I don’t have ALL the secrets to anti-aging, but I do know that our immune systems are the most powerful force we have for that. No one lives to a ripe old age without a strong immune system. So, let’s talk about that. In fact, we are going to have a webinar on that topic.

In the past you have heard me talk about the important role that nitric oxide plays in avoiding high blood pressure and maintaining a healthy cardio-vascular system. But did you know that your immune system also depends on nitric oxide?

One of the reasons nitric oxide is called the miracle molecule is that, not only does it support the function of blood vessels, it is the molecule that tells your immune system when there’s an injury or an invasion requiring an immune response. It also is a powerful antimicrobial. In other words, it kills toxic microorganisms that cause disease. 

This means that one of the most important things you can do to live a long and productive life is to ensure that your body is producing enough nitric oxide … which is not easy when natural production falls off precipitously as we age. 

The Journal Bioenergetics states:
“The steady-state concentration and thus the biological effects of NO [nitric oxide] are critically determined not only by its rate of formation, but also by its rate of decomposition.”

Yes, the primary challenge as we age is to compensate for the increasing rate of “decomposition” of nitric oxide. 
  I will be joined by long-time wellness advocate, Stanford Graham, a pioneer of healthy food products and an elite athlete at age 59. John Hewlett, Founder and Formulator of Cardio Miracle also will join the discussion.
G. Edward Griffin