Published: Mon, 03/21/22

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin    2022 March 21  
Learn What Really Causes
COVID Deaths
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You will recall from my last email, European doctors doing forensic autopsies in 2020 on those who died of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, found tiny blood clots throughout the victims’ bodies. The doctors hypothesized that this was because the disease had targeted and damaged the inner lining of the blood vessels, which is called the endothelium.  This apparently caused the blood to be cut off from all major organs. A month later, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study finding that COVID patients had 9-times as many blood clots as those who died of the H1N1 flu.
By attacking endothelial cells, the S spike protein that is imbedded in the COVID pathogen (and also is created by the so-called vaccines) puncture blood vessels, causing them to leak. This caused the blood to clot in an attempt to stop the leak, “sparking  massive inflammation throughout the body.”
Conclusion: damage to the endothelium is the real cause of COVID death.  

What does this mean to you?  
If you now suffer with any inflammatory condition, like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, arthritis … or any condition ending with the letters “itis,” and you are over the age of 35, it is almost certain that your blood vessels are already compromised.
Read this quote carefully! It is straight from the SARS-CoV-2/COVID autopsy reports:
“In healthy individuals, endothelial cells help regulate blood pressure, prevent inflammation, and inhibit clotting, in part through the continual production of nitric oxide.”
So, how do you protect your endothelium and blood vessels? 

For the amazingly simple answer, attend my webinar.  Register now.  We will discuss how this thing called nitric oxide is the is the key to blood-vessel protection. You will learn that it is produced by our own bodies, that it declines with age (which may explain why COVID seldom strikes those under age 35), and how to cause the body to increase nitric-oxide production after that age.

We will also look at the US Patent history of SARS-CoV-2 and the so-called vaccines – and that will show that this whole mess was planned, and patented long before the disease itself appeared!
Of course, we also will explain what you can do to maintain your endothelial cells and support your blood vessels’ ability to recover from attack by spike proteins - or anything else.

REGISTER HERE for my free webinar and I’ll see you Monday, March 21st (today) at 5 PM PT, 6pm MT, 7 PM CT, 8 PM ET.
Be sure to put this on your calendar …so you can make informed decisions about your herlth.
G. Edward Griffin