I'm not stressed. I always hyperventilate!

Published: Sat, 04/20/19

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin   
2019 April 20   
Who, me? Stressed?
 I'm not stressed.
I always hyperventilate!                
This is a standing joke from anyone struggling to overcome insurmountable obstacles or meet impossible deadlines. Unfortunately, I am a classic example. There is nothing more stressful than 'saving the world and herding cats', which is a pretty good short description of my chosen mission. Although I always try to appear outwardly calm and collected, the primordial scream sometimes rises very close to the surface. 

Fortunately, we are designed to handle stress, at least in the short term. It gives us extra strength and mental clarity to overcome threats to survival. However, this beneficial effect depends on micro-nutrients from soil and from edible plants that are in close harmony with our biochemistry. Unfortunately, in most advanced nations today, agricultural soil has been depleted of those nutrients, and genetic modification of foods has caused them to lose compatibility with animal biochemistry. In short, we are being increasingly denied the micro nutrients needed to ward off chronic diseases – including those related to stress.

Stress comes in two forms: psychological and biological. Most of the media focus today is on psychological stress. Everyone talks about anger management, positive thinking, avoiding toxic relationships, learning to delegate, and that sort of thing, but biological stress is seldom mentioned. 

Biological stress is the destructive impact on vital organs caused by toxins from the environment in the form of heavy metals, synthetic chemicals, X-rays, and electromagnetic-field radiation (EMF). I believe the reason we see so little awareness of these things is that they implicate the world's largest corporations with unlimited funds to stifle criticism. This includes the telecommunications industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the agriculture industry, and the pesticide industry.

The good news is that one of our long-standing products sold at Reality Zone contains a concentrated blend of raw foods that, although generally thought of as specific to cardio-vascular disorders, is also highly acclaimed for its effect on reducing biological stress from environmental sources. It's called Cardio Miracle, and it's the closest thing I have seen to being able to restore all those micro-nutrients that are missing from super-market fresh fruits and vegetables. Those are nature's guardians against stress-related diseases. Regardless of whether the origin of that stress is psychological or biological, Cardio Miracle will deliver what our bodies needs to fight back. 

There is no doubt in my mind that Cardio Miracle is one of the primary reasons I am able to keep up with the youngsters, working 60 hours per week on average and, above all, remaining calm while saving the world and herding cats.

G. Edward Griffin