Red Pill Expo Is Back - Hartford or Bust!

Published: Fri, 03/08/19

G. Edward Griffinfrom G. Edward Griffin   
2019 March 8   
Red Pill Expo Is Back!
Live Streams June 7-9
from Hartford, Connecticut
If you attended the first Red Pill Expo in 2017 or the Second one in 2018, you don't need to be told what amazing, life-changing events they were - so you may want to skip the rest of this message and go directly to the web site where you will see the wide spectrum of speakers and topics scheduled for this year's event. However, if you are not sure what the Red Pill Expo is, read on.

"Take the red pill" is a popular expression that means: "See the truth and stop being fooled." It's a meme that came from a 1999 sci-fi movie called The Matrix, in which humans had become enslaved as an energy source for a network of computers. Unfortunately, the slaves were unaware of their condition. They thought they were leading normal and meaningful lives, but it was all in their minds – a total illusion. The story evolves around the attempt of a small band of humans who had broken free from the computer 'matrix' and now were trying to help others escape. To do so, the slaves had to take a red pill which cleared their minds and allowed them to break free from their illusions. The parallel to the world in which we find ourselves today is chilling.

The Red Pill Expo is a gathering event of truth seekers who sense that there are agendas within institutions of authority that are not in their best interest. We are told soothing stories about those agendas that make them seem normal and even beneficial, but the stories are not true. They are illusions we accept as reality because we hear them over and over, and they come from authority. In other words, we really do live in the Matrix.

The purpose of the Red Pill Expo is to dispense red pills for modern illusions in the fields of money, health, politics, science, history, education, journalism, entertainment, and much more. Every session will be live streamed over the Internet at a cost that is absurdly low for a program like this, so no one needs to miss out because of cost. But, if there is any way for you to physically attend the event in Hartford, the rewards will be high. There is nothing quite like meeting the dynamic presenters and making new friends of like mind from around the world. If possible, you definitely will want to, not just observe this event, but become part of it.

Lowest prices now are in effect but will increase on March 15.
G. Edward Griffin