One more try - Just the facts, ma'am
Published: Mon, 02/04/19
from G. Edward Griffin
2019 February 3
Just the Facts, Ma'am
(One more try) I sent out this message four days ago but learned last night that our RealiyZone website was off line for a few days shortly after that, and hundreds of people who followed the link for more information were greeted with a blank page. Arghh! Those grimy little gremlins are everywhere. The website is back online, now, and all is working well once again. If you are one of those who were left in the lurch, I apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will give that information link another try. This really is an important health issue for all of us, even if we don't have serious symptoms. The toxic elements described below are continually accumulating in our bodies and, if we don't begin to counteract that process while we still are healthy, it is almost certain we will have to do it later when our return path will be longer and steeper. So, here is the message one more time. If you have not yet read this, here it is exactly as sent out last Tuesday:
I wrote the headline for this message (Just the facts, Ma'am) thinking that almost everyone would recognize those famous words repeated weekly by Jack Webb playing the role of Sgt. Joe Friday in the popular radio and, later, TV series called Dragnet. My intention was to use it as a lead-in to the idea that, even though I was going to talk about a non-drug control for high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, loss of sensation in feet and legs, and periodontal disease, there would be no hype, no hyperbole, not even exaggeration, just the facts. However, when I checked to confirm the first name of Sgt. Friday, I discovered that he never said "Just the facts, ma'am" even though copywriters later added those exact words to promotional posters. His famous line actually contained three additional words: "All we want are the facts, ma'am." Hmmm, not a big deal, but I followed Dragnet for almost twenty years and was certain that Friday always said: "Just the facts, ma'am". It goes to show you that, even when you are sure of your facts, it's a good idea to re-check them now and then. That's an even better lead-in to my message because, not only is there no hype in our description of Cardio Miracle but, from time to time, I do go back over the theories and evidence that the product really does what the manufacturer says it does. Even if you previously checked out the Cardio Miracle story – even if Cardio Miracle already is part of your diet, I urge you to take a moment to watch the following short video, because it is an excellent reminder of the many benefits that are being reported by users – including me. Chances are good that there will be something of special benefit to you. G. Edward Griffin