Terrible Pain - Then I Took Ed Griffin's Advice
Published: Mon, 03/26/18
2018 March 26
from G. Edward Griffin
The pain was terrible. Then I took Ed Griffin' advice. Aminika's story had a bad beginning. Following surgery, the pain was unbearable, and the loss of sensation in her feet and legs plus the loss of muscular control made it almost impossible to walk. Drugs didn't help, and the doctors were baffled. Then, she tried a nitric-oxide booster called Cardio Miracle, a natural-source nutritional supplement that I have used and highly recommended for several years and – well, let her tell you the happy ending. Cardio Miracle has been credited by users for much more than pain and post-surgery healing. It is well known for lowering blood pressure without drugs, congestive heart failure, stroke, neuropathy, periodontal disease, obesity, and even varicose veins.
~~ G. Edward Griffin