Need To Know News From G. Edward Griffin

Published: Mon, 08/21/17

G. Edward Griffin's Essential News & Analysis
Congressional aides say that the Awans were blackmailing representatives based on emails and other files extracted from their computers. [...]
While the list of statues that leftists want removed grows, opponents call for the removal of historical monuments honoring Democrats who were racially biased, Vladimir Lenin and former President Bill Clinton. [...]
Apple CEO Tim Cook pledged $2 million to the ADL and the SPLC, who have targeted conservatives for years and have applied the word “hate” to almost any point of view that is contrary to their leftist ideology. [...]
Sheridan, Colorado: A 26-year old man was stabbed as exiting his car at a burger shop. His attacker shouted out that he was a Nazi for no apparent reason other than he has a short haircut. [...]
The FBI gave the young man the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license due to the fact that he is schizophrenic. [...]