Need To Know News From G. Edward Griffin

Published: Mon, 05/22/17

G. Edward Griffin's Essential News & Analysis
Mainstream media is presenting geoengineering and ‘chemtrails’ as potentially disastrous to the Earth, but that the risk is warranted in order to combat global warming. The intended message of that statement is that, it makes no difference if the sky is sprayed or not. In either case, we already are in a test – so relax and be grateful for chemtrails. [...]
The Washington Post reports that the Pentagon is recycling a scam from WWII whereby it buys fuel and then resells it to its own armed services at a higher price and uses the profits as a slush fund for questionable purposes. Since 2010, the Pentagon has built up a $6-billion surplus. [...]
A Harvard study on the press coverage of President Trump's first 100 days in office by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and the newscasts of CBS, and Fox show that their reports were 80% negative. CNN and NBC were 93% negative. [...]
Venezuelans are starving due to collectivist economic policies, and they correctly blame the government. The government does exactly what collectivist government always do in such cases. It punishes its critics and rewards its supporters. [...]
This is a short course for those who are not sure what the “deep state” is. This commentator shows how unelected power brokers in intelligence agencies and media outlets control the government and engineer public opinion. [...]