Note: The text below each headline is my summary of the story. When you want to see the whole article, click on the headline or the "Read more..." link.
WikiLeaks released more CIA documents from Vault 7 that describe a program called Marble, which is an Internet tool that makes it appear that cyber attacks it creates are coming from some other country. Test samples were found in English, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and Farsi. [...]
'Open The Books' says that eight Ivy-league schools received $25.73 billion in taxpayer subsidies from 2010 to 2015. The schools, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, Cornell, Brown and University of Pennsylvania are private institutions that have become federal contractors. [...]
Without benefit of public debate, President Trump is sending more troops into the Middle East and Africa that likely will involve the US in more conflict. Lower level commanders have been given more authority over airstrikes in densely populated areas. [...]
Portland has a new program for homeless people to live in free tiny homes built in homeowners' backyards. The incentive for the homeowner is that after five years, they may use the tiny home for rental income. [...]